
Responsibility for this website, for

  • and
  • Google: Arche Nebra - Die Himmelsscheibe erleben, Fundort der Himmelsscheibe and Sonnenobservatorium Goseck

Bettina Pfaff
Director of Kulturbetriebe Burgenlandkreis GmbH
(business operator of Nebra Ark and Sun Observatory Goseck)
An der Steinklöbe 16
D-06642 Nebra

Tel: +49 34461 25520

Die Website ist entstanden mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH | Gefördert im Rahmen der Kampagne
"6 STAUNENSWERTE – UNESCO-Welterbe Sachsen-Anhalt"

Mehr Informationen auf der Kampagnenseite:

Klaus Pockrandt

codemacher UG

Web content
Katja Gehlfuß, Nicola Scheyhing, Manuela Werner
Arche Nebra, Public Relations

Translation Englisch
Orla Mulholland, Berlin and Nicola Scheyhing

Translation French
Blandine Schmidiger, Leipzig

Illustrations / Picture credits
Eric Becher, Annett Börner, Eva-Maria Darge, Katja Gehlfuß, Gisela Jäger, Christoph Kremtz, Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt, Juraj Lipták, Saale-Unstrut-Tourismus e. V., Andreas Stedtler, Manuela Werner

Contact for image requests
Katja Gehlfuß
Tel: +49 34461 2552-20

Disclaimer and Copyright
The Arche Nebra offers you a range of information that is regularly updated. You may save our information and create links to our web pages. In links from commercial ventures, the pages of the Arche Nebra must be the sole element in the navigator window. The information may not be altered or falsified.

Content of our own pages
No liability is accepted for accuracy, completeness or quality. All offers of services at no cost are non-binding. The Arche Nebra as editor reserves the right to change, extend or delete what is offered, or to withdraw the publication, at any time and without prior notification.

Links to third-party websites
The links published here have been researched and collected with the greatest possible care. The Arche Nebra as editor has no influence on the current and future form or content of the linked pages. The Arche Nebra as editor is not responsible for the linked pages and makes no claim of ownership of their content. Liability for illegal, inaccurate or incomplete content, and for damage that may occur as a result of the use or non-use of the information, lies solely with those responsible for the website to which the link leads. Liability by the party that solely indicates a publication through a link is excluded. The Arche Nebra as editor is only responsible for third-party references if it has positive knowledge of them, that is,  knowledge also of unlawful or criminal content, and if it is technically possible and reasonable to prevent their use.